Exodus 19 vers 5
Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine.

A covenant, in contrast to a contract, is a one-way agreement whereby the covenanter is the only party bound by the promise. A covenant may have conditions and prerequisites that qualify the undertaking, including the actions of second or third parties, but there is no inherent agreement by such other parties to fulfill those requirements.
Consequentially, the only party that can break a covenant is the covenanter. According to the terms of this covenant, the Israelites were told that they must worship God and obey His Commandments in order to receive spiritual and temporal blessing and avoid exposure to the effects of the curse. When the word "covenant" is used in this sense, the agreement is essentially unilateral, since while the covenant's outworkings are dependent upon human response; its terms are dictated by God. By contrast, with the human covenants (David and Jonathan) - the terms are agreed upon mutually.

Covenant Evangelical Ministries

From our constitution:


We believe that this church has been called into being by God to worship Him, witness to His actions, educate people in His ways, evangelize the world, and serve humanity in Christ's name. Therefore, we establish this constitution to define and preserve the principles of our faith and to govern the body in an orderly manner.

1.    Name

 The name of the denomination shall be “COVENANT EVANGELICAL MINISTRIES” hereinafter referred to as Covenant.


2.   General Matters

2.1  This is the official handbook of the COVENANT, is to be used for the purpose of proper administration, organisation and function, and contains the full CONSTITUTION, GUIDELINES, PRACTICE and RULES for the church.


2.2 Covenant shall:

-Exist in its own right, separately from its members.

-Be able to own property and other possessions.

-Be able to sue and be sued in its own name.

-Continue to exist even when its membership changes and there are different office bearers.


2.3  Any matter, which may arise, or precedent not specifically dealt with by the Guidelines for the church must be referred to the founding Pastor, who will then act within the boundaries of the word of GOD.



 The terms and conditions for the church are, at all times, subject to the Word of God.

Any proposal to change or amend the Constitution or Guidelines of the Denomination by any voting member of the local church will only be enacted if it is agreed to by a majority vote of the church at a special meeting convened for considering any such amendment.




4.1 COVENANT and its work shall be subject to the following criteria: -


-                                 Our Vision:                Goals and Objectives         

-                                 Our Mission:             What are we doing?

-                                 Our Purpose:            Why we exist?

-                                 Our Practice:             How we achieve?


Our Vision:          To equip and edify the believers to have a proper understanding of discipleship with the ultimate purpose to bring glory to God


OurMission:        To proclaim the Gospel through COVENANTE as to cater for the needs of our community.


Our Purpose:       To fulfill the Great Commission in accordance with the Word of God, and to display Christian character to both our Communities and our children.


Our Practice:        To show leadership and enable all believers to fulfill their God-given task to make disciples of all nations.

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Our Constitution
Photo Galary
Easter Conference
Knysna 2008